Friday, November 4, 2011

.Net Shorcut

F6 / Shift+F6 / Ctrl+Shift+B : Build solution / Build project /
Build solution
Shift+Alt-C : Add a new class to your project
Ctrl+K+C : Comment a selected block of code
Ctrl+K+ U : Un-comment a selected block of code
Ctrl+M+O / Ctrl+M +P : Collapse all code to definitions /
Expand all code (stop collapsing)
Ctrl+Alt+L : Show the solution explorer
Ctrl+Shift+A / Alt+Shift+A : Add a new item to your project /
add an existing item to your project
Ctrl+K+F and CRTL+K+D : These two will format the code in the
window to be nicely indented. using "d" will format all the
document while using "f" will format only selected text. The
formatting is for all types of documents, HTML, Xaml, XML,
C#… This one is my favorite
Sift+Del : It’s just a regular cut (exactly the same as ctrl-x). This
one will cut the entire row from the document and past it to
the clipboard. No need to select the row, just put the marker
there and click SHIFT+Del and it is gone
Ctrl+K+S : This one opens up the code snippets dialogue within
the code
Ctrl+Space: Completes the symbol you're currently typing or
gives you a choice of various possibilities
F12 : This is the shortcut for the "Go to definition" command
which will take you to the definition of the object your marker
is currently on
F9 : This will add a breakpoint to the code line your marker is
currently at. Clicking F9 again will remove this breakpoint from
that line
Ctrl-M-M : This will expand or collapse based on where the
cursor is. Useful when everything is collapsed and you just
want to expand one of them.

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